Upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can be done to create or improve the configuration of double eyelid or remove excessive droopy skin.
It can be done by incisional method (that result in a faint scar) or by suture technique (which does not leave a scar).
There are 2 methods of upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery):
- Incisional blepharoplasty
- Suture blepharoplasty (scarless)
Incisional Blepharoplasty
Incisional blepharoplasty can create a permanent upper eyelid fold.
It can also remove excessive upper eyelid skin and fat pads at the same time.
Therefore it is suitable for young patients who wish to create upper lid fold or older patient with droopy and puffy eyelids.
Suture Blepharoplasty
Suture blepharoplasty is used to create upper eyelid fold. The result is less permanent than incisional blepharoplasty. The recovery time is short. But excessive upper eyelid skin and fat pads cannot be removed by this method.
Upper blepharoplasty is done under local anaesthesia with sedation for greater comfort.
Most of the swelling and bruising would subside after two weeks. The scar usually becomes imperceptible after a few months.
Ptosis Correction
Ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid can co-exist with excessive skin. Not all patient with skin excess has ptosis.
The various methods of ptosis correction depending on severity include : Levator plication or advancement, and in more severe cases the FOOM flap.
The surgical incision is similar to upper blepharoplasty. Excess skin is removed at the same time to achieve symmetry.
The Ministry of Health issues very strict guidelines on the use of Medisave for Ptosis correction. Verification with an opthalmologist is required.